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Lebedev YV ..

Literature. Textbook for Grade 10 students from high school in two parts Electronic version prepared Volkova AV, "Slovesnik"

RUSSIAN literary criticism

And philosophical thought in the second half of XIX century

(* 3) About the uniqueness of Russian literary criticism. "While alive and well, our poetry, until there is no reason to doubt the profound health of the Russian people," - wrote critic Strakhov, and his collaborator Apollo Grigoriev thought Russian literature, "the only focus of all our higher interests." Belinsky bequeathed to his friends put him in the coffin issue of "Notes of the Fatherland", and classic Russian satire Saltykov-Shchedrin in a farewell letter to his son said: "Above all, love their native literature and the title of the writer prefers to every other" .

According to Chernyshevsky, our literature has been elevated to the rank of national affairs, uniting the most viable forces in Russian society. In the mind of the reader of the XIX century literature it was not only the "belles lettres", but also the foundation of the spiritual life of the nation. Russian writer treated his creativity in a special way: it was for him not a profession, and service. "Textbook of life" called literature Chernyshevsky and Tolstoy later surprised that these words do not belong to him and his ideological opponents.

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