Sex life - this is proved by scientists - affects the overall psycho-physiological condition of each individual.
Knowledge of human sexuality to help people overcome the manifestation of complexes arising sexual violence.
People need sexual culture. It is remarkable that we have reached a time when about intimate aspects of human life can not hesitate to talk and hypocrisy.
The book "1001 question about it," written by Vladimir Shahidzhanyanom known psychologist and journalist, teacher of journalism faculty of Moscow State University. University, is familiar to many of the author's speeches on radio and television and is responsible, in my opinion, today's requirements.
The author of a long association with medicine. He seriously studied the problems of sex education. It is linked business and friendly relations with a number of leading sexologists, sexologists, psychiatrists, teachers, psychologists and sociologists. His performances in the pages of many newspapers and magazines made him a well-deserved popularity.
Competencies allow Shahidzhanyanu Vladimir write a book, a public, understandable for the general reader and at the same time serious and justified in terms of the achievements of modern medicine.
True selected questions - they really worry many. It is true given the answers to them.
As a practitioner I welcome the accuracy of the statements and confirm the correct answer from a medical point of view. The previous edition of the "1001 question about it," sold out in a few days. I am confident that the current edition of the book readers will meet well.
Remarkably, the publishing house "Vagrius" has published a good, intelligent, kind, honest and very useful book.
AI Belkin,
President of the Russian Psychoanalytic Society
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